Thursday, April 28, 2016

VenuG Presents; How should I blog, where should I blog? Where should I blog? Asks Nishchal Chaubey

Q: Should I blog? If yes, how, where, about what?
Nishchal Chaubey a Mumbai Rocker asked on his Facebook status,

This is what I wrote(I shall constantly update this post at a regular basis as it deserves updating . in case you feel something needs to be added, please comment below. I shall not only update but also give you the credit. Thanks in advance)

Use blogger as it is Google product. If photographer Tumblr
You can use Instagram to blog too not kidding .
1 Chose a subject you're passionate about.
1a be topical. Choose a subject in news/anniversary .
Either Check "on this day"
Or this link

This will throw your blog in Google search.

1b be regular write daily . This will bring regular readers, who shall eagerly wait for your post eagerly .
1c put a small picture at the top.  This helps throw your post in Google search.
1d make a personal signature word, mine is "VenuG Presents" just Google it I say.
1e use tags, tags are relevant search keywords.
2 Write offline on MS Word/Word Pad, revise, research, check for inaccuracies & errors
3 keep media files ready on /blog media (NEVER Use online files as if the website closes it won't show!!
4. Decide a good Title . Use questions as title . Are The Beatles still relevant? Who is Prince ? Which are the Best All Time Blues Guitarist ?" People ask such questions on Google . Google search is the best free PR agency on Earth.

A) open blog
B click new post 1st put a Title,   make a hyperlink "custom" not automatic
"Are-The-Beatles-Still-Relevant "
C) copy paste offline content .
D) add tags .
E) Insert hyperlinks  if you want people to refer.
F) add media files picture video

G) share on Twitter Facebook
H) Add Google translate so that you could write in any language.
Your post shall be read by people in 160 landh

For Designing of template see videos.

Read comments Thank & reply .

VenuG Presents: Love Poem #VenuPoem Just Looks could kill 💚💛💜💓💕💖💗💘💝💞💟💑💏😘😍

She's away, my Monideepa is out of town
Not able to sleep
Keeping the love of my life
My childhood crush
My Teenage Love
Now my wife of 30 years
I dedicate this #VenuPoem
This poem was written in 6 tweets on Twitter Drafts & posted one after other.


If you were planning to kill~lemme give you some insight~if you look at me standstill~I shall die, without a fight. #VenuPoem 1 #poem


Use your guile~use your charm~sweetheart, you neither need a dagger~nor any firearm #poem #VenuPoem 2


You're older~you're plump~you're bolder~fills throat with lump. #poem #VenuPoem 3


You could easily disarm~By smell of your under arm~you could simply hypnotise~with your brute charm. #poem #VenuPoem 4


Your walk is a knife ~your gait poisoned arrow ~your can push all strife~like it is a wheel barrow. #poem #VenuPoem 5

You could murder anyone ~Like Mata Hari Spy~To be in your arms everyone~shall be ready to die. #end #poem #VenuPoem 6

The end
Love will find the way
Writer has a habit of writing love poems with his wife as his inspiration.
Those are his best works naturally.
He requests the reader to read an example,
Monideepa Ami Tomake Bhalo Bhashi
In Bangla
Loosely translated to English
Monideepa, I Love You(with its English translation)
Good Night.