Thursday, September 27, 2012

Why U=I write Blogs : Main Blog Kyon Likhata Hoon

Ther post is in reply to the comment by News and Views, Mumbai, for their comment. I really did not understand the comment, hence I replied, IN DETAIL. 
tHE BLOG-Posy where News & Views commented was this. And what follows are my views, trust me, when I say, no one knows moe than anyone, how  we rock as stage artistes.
No litsen to Me & Comrade K.S.Shetty
Once we start, we don't stop
So Better Listen. :D

मित्रवर  ,
वीयूस अँड नेव्स ,
बंधुवर ,
सर्वप्रथम मेरे भाषण पर प्रतिकरिया व्यक्त करने एवं टिप्पणी करने हेतु अती प्रसन्न हृदय के अंतरपटल से धन्यवाद स्वीकार करें।

आपकी टिप्पणी में आपने कहा है की आपको मेरा भाषण पादने में बहुत आनंद आया, यह पढ़ कर मुझे अतयनता आनंद की अनुभूती हुई। इस बाबत आपको अनेकानेक धन्यवाद।

अब आइये मुद्दे पर,
लेकिन यह क्या?
फिर एकाएक आपने एकदम पैंतरा पलटा ,
और लिकखा की

" वाकई इस भाषण में पूरा मसाला था एवं मैं और भी इसी तरह लिखता रहूँ , और आपका समय बर्बाद करता रहूँ !!! "
    बात यहीं समाप्त नहीं हुई, फिर आपने, मुझसे, एक प्रश्न पूछा!!!

आपने मुझसे एक प्रश्न किया है,

" समझ गए या खुलकर सम्झना होगा? "

नहीं मितरवार मैं आपका संशय एवं टेढ़ा प्रश्न बिल्कुल नहीं  समझा!!!

   आपका प्रश्न पढ़ कर राष्ट्रपिता "बापू" मोहनदास करमचंद गांधी का एक भाषण अनायास ही मस्तिष्क में प्रज्वलित हुआ " मैं तो सीधा साधा इंसान हूँ, मैं तो सीधी बात करता हूँ ,और सीधी ही समझता हूँ "

   आपसे सविनय अनुरोध है, बंधुवार, आपको मुझ सीधे सादे, एवं कम चतुर मनुष्य को
सीधी-सादी एवं देशी भाषा में ही सम्झना होगा। मैं कसी भी व्यक्ती की बात यदी कभी नहीं समझता, तो उससे झट से प्रश्न पूछ कर अपने संशयों का निवारण कर लेता हूँ, यही कारण हैं, की मेरे दस्वी कक्षा से लेकर आब तक, कोई भी व्यक्ती मुझसे परोक्षा रूप से भेंट करता है, वह मुझे कभी भी नहीं भूलता। जब कभी वह व्यक्ती मुझसे अगली बार मिलता है, उसका मस्तिष्क उसे तुरंत सिग्नल देता है, " अर्रे!!! सावधान, बचो, यह वही व्यक्ती है, जिसने मुझसे इतना टेढ़ा प्रश्न किया था, की जिस आयोजन को मैंने अपनी लोकप्रियता बढ़ाने हेतु किया था, उसमे सारी लोकप्रियता तो यह ले गया। उस कार्यक्रम के आयोजन में मीडिया द्वारा लिखे गयी रिपोर्ट में, इसका उल्लेख है, जब की यह तो साधारण व्यक्ती है, और मैं "फ़ैनने खान"

  सो , मितरवार, सीधे से बताएं आपका, इस भोले भले नागरिक को क्या सुझाव है?

        पूछ इस लिए रहा हूँ की चूंकि आपके द्वारा दिया गया वक्तव्य " सम्प्रेषण " ( Communication) की दृष्टि से अपूर्ण है। हो सकता है, की आपका सुझाव, जो मुझ जैसे साधारण व्यक्ती की खोपड़ी में नहीं घुसा, मुझे एक बेहतर व्यक्ती, या लेखक बनने में मददगार हो।

         मेरा अनुरोध अपने मतलबी ( selfish ) कारणवश है, न की आपका परिहास उड़ाने की दृशती से।

पर फिर भी मैं जितना मैने समझा है, की आप जानना चाहते हैं, की मैंने इसे क्यूँ लोखा? यदी मेरा आशय सही है तो मेरा बहुत लंबा उदाहरण सहित वक्तव्य नीचे दिया जा रहा है।

   आशा करता हूँ, की आपको मेरा उत्तर आपकी मंशा को शांत करने में मददगार हो।

नोट: कहीं_कही, मैंने, उर्दू फारसी शब्दो का प्रयोग किया है, ग़ज़ल गायक, शायर और अहिंदी भाषी हनी की नाते मेरे इस जुर्म के लिए आप मुझे माफ कर देंगे।

MERA AAPKI TIPPANI KA UTTAR, EVAM IS BLOG KO LIKNE KA KAARAN, IS KAARANVASH ALAG KIYA GAYA HAI, KI, HTML mein 4096 charachters se adhik ki tippani sweekar nahi karta, evam, choonki main, kabhi bhi, shabdon ke bandhan mein nahin padhta, aur mera kisi bhi sanshaya ka uttar hamesha byorawaar evam lamba hota hai, is liye, mere is blog ko likhne ka kaaran samay barbaad karna hai, ya jan sadhaaran ka gyan vardhan karna, aur hindi prachar karna, ise samjhana, maine apna kartavya samjha.

Vaise bhi mitravar, jise na padhna ho, wha vyakti kabhi bhi, blog ko chod kar ja sakta hai. Chunki aapney kaha hai "samay barbaad karwaatee rahein" to main samjhta hoon, aap apne samay ki baat kar rahe hain, jiska samadhan, aap kabhi bhi swatantra hain, ki samay barbaad karne ke bajay, blog ko chod kar chale jayein. choonki, yeh koi pay channel ya DTH / ya ticket yukt cinema, sangeet karyakram / ya khel nahi hai, ki, jise chodne par, aapka aarthik nuksaan howeyga. :)

Haan, yadi aapka sanshay yeh hai, ki, main apna samay barbaad kar rahaa hoon, :( to iska mere uttar hoga, yadi, koi shikshit vyakti, apna gyaan, evam apne jeewan ka atyant kimti anubhav (experience), jan samanya ke saath nahin baantega, to uska shikshitt hona vyartha hai. Is vishay par do sanskrit sholok hai, jo main aapke samaksh prastut karney ki anumati chahunga.

isey na padhna chahein, to, aap, na padein, par main, usey yahan par avashya prastut karoonga .

Mantras popular in contemporary Hinduism:

असतो मा सद्गमय ।

तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय ।।

मृत्योर्मामृतं गमय ।

ॐ शांति: शांति: शांति:

Asato maa sad-gamaya

Tamaso maa jyotir-gamaya

Mityor-maa-mitan gamaya

Om shaanti shaanti shaanti

Lead us from Untruth to Truth, from Darkness to Light, from Death to Immortality. Om peace, peace, peace.


Why do we light a lamp?

In almost every Indian home a lamp is lit daily before the altar of the Lord. In some houses it is lit at drawn, in some, twice a day – at dawn and dusk and in a few it is maintained continuously (akhanda deepa). All auspicious functions and moments like daily worship, rituals and festivals and even many social occasions like inaugurations commence with the lighting of the lamp, which is often maintained right through the occasion.Light symbolizes knowledge and darkness, ignorance. The Lord is the “Knowledge Principle” (chaitanya) who is the source, the enlivener and the illuminator of all knowledge. Hence light is worshipped as the Lord Himself. Knowledge removes ignorance just as light removes darkness. Also knowledge is a lasting inner wealth by which all outer achievements can be accomplished. Hence we light the lamp to bow down to knowledge as the greatest of all forms of wealth. Knowledge backs all our actions whether good or bad. We therefore keep a lamp lit during all auspicious occasions as a witness to our thoughts and actions. Why not light a bulb or tube light? That too would remove darkness. But the traditional oil lamp has a further spiritual significance. The oil or ghee in the lamp symbolizes our vaasanas or negative tendencies and the wicked, the ego. When lit by spiritual knowledge, the vaasanas get slowly exhausted and the ego too finally perishes. The flame of a lamp always burns upwards. Similarly we should acquire such knowledge as to take us towards higher ideals. A single lamp can light hundreds more just as a man of knowledge can give it to many more. The brilliance of the light does not diminish despite its repeated use to light many more lamps. So too knowledge does not lessen when shared with or imparted to others. On the contrary it increases in clarity and conviction on giving. It benefits both the receiver and the giver. Whilst lighting the lamp we thus pray :

"Deepajyotihi parabrahma Deepa sarva tamopababa Deepena sadhyate sarvam Sandhyaa deepo namostute"

I prostrate to the dawn/dusk lamp; whose light is the Knowledge Principle (the Supreme Lord), which removes the darkness of ignorance and by which all can be achieved in life.

Thus this custom contains a wealth of intellectual and spiritual meaning.
the above from a great site

jo mere dimaag ke andhakaar ko hatata hai              

बंधुवार ,
मेरे ब्योरेवार उत्तर।
मैंने अपना भाषण अपने कार्यालय में दिया, पर मेरा इस भाषण को सम्पूर्ण जगत से बांटने का ध्येय अपने अनुभव अधिक से अधिक लोगों से बाँट कर, उन्हे 1) हिन्दी के प्रयोग की ओर प्रेरित करने का एवं 2) अनारजक आसरियों की समस्या, उनका समाधान , अनारजक आस्तियों के प्रबंधन, उन्नयन एवं उनके निबटारे से संबंधित बिंदुओं को अधिक से अधिक लोगों तक, अपने अनुभव एवं तरीकों के बारे में अवगत करवाऊँ।

 मैं आपका ध्यान ऊपर दिये हुये 2 चित्ऑन मे से पहले पर आकर्षित करना चाहूँगा। मेरा यह ब्लॉग मायी 2008 में मैंने प्रारंभ किया था। आरंभ से लेकर आज दिनांक 19/9/2012 तक अधिकाधिक लोकप्रिय 10 लेखों की सूची इस चित्रा में है। इनमे भी,  सबसे कम पढ़ गया मेरा मार्च 21, सन 2010 का लेख " सर्फ एक्सेल होगा डार्लिंग ( जो मेरे द्वारा लिखा गया परोडी गीत हैं ) 132 व्याकरियों ne पढ़ है।

अब कृप्या  इस लेख की दायीं ओर अपनी नज़र घुमए तो आपको विदित होगा की मेरी " वेल रीड पोस्ट्स " जो की, मेरे इस माह के 5 सर्वप्रिय एवं लोकप्रिय लेखों की सूची है, इस सूची में सर्वप्रथम मेरा आज तक पंचम लोकप्रिय लेख " VenuG प्रेसेंट्स स्टीव जॉब्स
इन टेयएयर्स इन हैवन " जो अब तक 290 व्यक्तियों ने पढ़ा है, एवं इस माह इसे 214 व्यक्तियों ने पढ़ है। दूसरे स्थान पर  यह लेख है, जिसे इस माह 112 व्यक्तियों ने पढ़ा ह (यह सूचना सही एवं सच्ची है, इस बात का आपको एहसास करने बाबत मैंने दूसरा चित्रा भी इस ब्लॉग पोस्ट के अंत में जोड़ दिया है। मुझे आपको सूचित करते हुये हर्ष हो रहा है, की मेरे द्वारा इन 4 वर्ष एवं 4 महीनों में लिखे गए 139 लेखों में यह लेख लोकप्रियता की सूची में ग्यारहवे नंबर पर है, और मुझे कहते हुये कोई संशया नहीं है, की कुछ समय में, सर्च इंजून "गूगल" पर यह लेखा सबसे पहले नंबर पर दिखाया जावेगा एवं यह ब्लॉग पोस्ट मेरे सर्वप्रिय एवं सर्वश्रेस्था लोकप्रिय एवेम गूगल पर  ढूंडे  गए इस विषय पर सर्वप्रथम लिंक होगा !!! । कृपया गूगल.को.इन पर जा कर " Problem of NPA's Non Performing Assets in Banks and its solutions " सर्च बॉक्स में डालें एवं एंटर की दबावें। आप पाएंगे, की इस नाचीज़ का लिखा यह पोस्ट सबसे ऊपर पाएंगे। मितरवार , चूंकि यह लेख एक ऐसे विषय " अनर्जक आस्तियों " पर है,जो की इस समय सम्पूर्ण जगत की समस्याओं की जननी है। भारतवर्ष में भी, यह समस्या इतनी ही अधिक होती, यदि सन 2005 में, रिजर्व बैंक ऑफ इंडिया के उस समय के गवर्नर डॉक्टर वाई.वी। रेड्डी, भारतीय बाँकों द्वारा रियल इस्टेट पर मोर्त्गएज ऋणों दिये जाने पर रोक नहीं लगाते। यही कारण है, की मैं कहता हूँ की क्रीककेट खिलाड़ी, सचिन तेंडुलकर, या भूतपूर्व राष्ट्रपती एवं "मिसाइल मैन ए.पी.जे.कलाम से पहले यदी, कोई व्यक्ती भारत रत्ना हेतु कोई ब्यकती उपयुक्त एवं काबिल है वेय हैं रिजर्व बैंक ऑफ इंडिया के 2005 में रहे भूतपूर्व गवर्नर डॉक्टर वाई.वी। रेड्डी!!!। ज्वलंत एवं सामयिक विषयों पर एवं, हर समय काम आने वाले विषयों पर लिखना मेरा न केवल शौक एवं मेरा ध्येय रहा है, इस लिए, मैं अपने ब्लॉग पर हमेशा, सा,-सामयिक विषयों एवं "जेनेरिक (गेनेरिक) " विषयों पर लिखना पसंद करता हूँ।
            चलिये एक बार को शौक या पसंद को दरकिनार रख भी दें, तो पहले मैं आपका ध्यान नीचे से दूसरे चित्रा पर आकर्षित करता हूँ, सम्पूर्ण समय में दूसरे नंबर का लोकप्रिय ब्लॉग पोस्ट " MTV HERO Roadies 9 Everything OR Nothing "  को लिखने हेतु @ब्लोगद्दा द्वारा मुझे आमंत्रण मिला था। इस ब्लॉग पोस्ट को लिखते वक़्त , के  श्री हरीश कृष्णन ने मुझे बार बार ज़ोर देकर जल्दी लिखने को इस लिए कहा, की यदी मैं इसे हैदराबाद एवं चंडीगढ़ के एमटीवी हेरो रोड़िएस के औदिशुन से पहले अगर मैं इस ब्लॉग पोस्ट को लिख देता तो मेरा ब्लॉग, गूगल पर उस वक़्त ढूंडा जाने वाला सबसे लोकप्रिय ब्लॉग होता। परंतु चूंकि मैं एक बैंक कर्मी हूँ, एवं सितंबर माह अर्धा वार्षिक खाता बंदी का समय होता है, इस कारणवश मैं इस ब्लॉग पोस्ट को अक्टूबर 12 को ही लोख एवं पोस्ट कर सका। अंतिम औदिशुन 29 सितंबर को था, जो की मेरे लिए उतना लाभकारी नहीं हो सका, जितना यह, कोलकाता के एक अन्य ब्लॉगर अग्निवों नियोगी @Aagan86 के लिए हुआ था। 

       सो मितरवार, इस ब्लॉग को लिखने का कारण हिन्दी दिवस था, एवं अनर्जक आस्तियों वाला विषया मेरा दूसरा पसंद वाला विषय था (पहला पसंदीदा किशया था बैंकिंग में  सूचना प्रोद्योगिकी की बढ़ती मौलिकता ) यह मेरा अच्छा भाग्य या सौभाग्य समझ लें, की कुमारी अनुराधा द्वारा इस विषया को चुन लिया गया। विश्व की ज्वलनता एवं भारत में मौलिक समस्या पर मेरा यह लिखा भाषण हिन्दी के प्रचार प्रसार के साथ_साथ, गूगल.कॉम पर अनर्जक आस्तियों पर ढूंडे गए लिंकों में पेरे इस ब्लॉग पोस्ट को सबसे ऊपर लाने में सक्षम रहा।

आपका सेवक
वेणुगोपाल मेनॉन
दिनांक 19 सितंबर, सन 2012। गणेश चतुर्दशी।



VenuG Presents :Customer is King: A Customer is the most important visitor on our premises. , Customer is God.

I remember a Blog-post where I had quoted Bapu or Mahatma Gandhi or Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, who in my opinion, gave us the best quotation on Customer Service. As a Banker, I am slave to the subject Customer Service, and am ready to pick up fight with any subordinate junior on the matter of customer service. Read my THAT post " Forbes Flipkart & Customer Service, VC Funding, Enterprise, 5 M's of Management" only then read this real story, of how, my alert handling of a new prospective customer, gained my branch Deposits to the tune of Ra3 Crores. Mind You I was an infotech officer, not entertaining the customer, would not affect an iota on my performance,  but my friends, Banking is A) A Team Game B) A Business founded on Good Faith & Trust C) Banking or any financial product, is an emotional relation, between the buyer and a seller, you can never sell a product, you build a relationship, and here, you have to tread cautiously, not to offend, as well as, follow due diligence and KYC norms. Mind you, my KYC from 1985 HAS BEEN IMPECCABBLE. Not 1 case of forgery fraud or non identified customer, and I have opened maybe a lakh accounts or more till now.

Read it , this is straight from my heart. And it is for real, just posted it for the benefit of my Junior Probationers as a lesson to learn. And the place it was posted, I have few colleagues, who were working with me at Jaipur. So a lie is caught.

End of Prologue
Customer is God: When he walks into your business, you never recognize him

A True Story: March 25 2003, M.I.Road Branch 17:45 hrs IST

  I was Posted as Senior Manage(IT), M.I. Jaipur, it was a Year End Time, The Branch was 1 Crore short of deposit target.
1. It was a TBM Branch, the Data was 1.2GB
2. The Backup Media was DAT Tape 1GB IT TOOK 2 tapes
3 Time taken 2 hours 30 minutes

I was nearing the end of the backup, maybe 15 more minutes.

  Someone enters the door, he is wearing a Grey suit, White Shirt, golden tie, Snake Leather Shoe(Pointed at toe) wearing a Rolex Watch, a gold chain in his neck, stout, but pleasant fellow.everything of him, (including his perfume, the whiff of which had filled the Banking Hall) reeked of "phirangi stuff" "Foreign Returned" "Vilayati" "Hang Kang" "Thoobai" "Gelph" . Being a Mallu I had 5 cousins in the Gelph, hence I knew,

Bank Khula hai? he asks,
Me , Sir, aap Kaun?
He: Arrey itni bhi kya jaldi hai.
Me:Sar Bank to band ho gaya, par mera kaam khatam nahi hua hai. abhi mujhe ek banner banana hai, aur ek statement nikalna hai.
(That day, an IT officer and my protégée Puneet Jain(who was posted at Udaipur/or was it Rajesh wanted a banner, RM was visiting Udaipur to inaugurate the 1st ATM in Rajasthan, so they wanted a Banner welcoming the RM, Ahmedabad. ))
A lawyer of Mrs Surama Gupta, wanted a very old statement of account, which was a long pending demand, from pre oasys period, which had to be

taken from old data.
So while the tape was being backed up, I was doing that too.

He said, yaar suno, kya naam hai tumhara? I was suspicious, this man looked to me, from middle east, and looked every bit a Bhai type. So, I

Sternly told him, Sir, I welcome you to the branch, but I am sorry looking at the security angle, will only permit you to be inside, if you show me an identity. Please identify yourself, here is my id card, I am Venugopal Menon, Senior Manager (looking after infotech part of the bank as well as manager administration) If you do not want to identify yourself, I will not mind the same, but you shall have to leave the premises, with immediate effect. (MIND YOU I, was alone, it was 7:45 PM, this was Jaipur, and M.I.Road had started to be deserted, and even Damodar, our Chai wallah had told me he'd leave in 15 minutes. So if I completed my work, till 8 he shall lock the premises, else, I would have to do the same.

The Gentleman showed me a passport which mentioned his name as Mohd Farouque(Thats the name I eemember, it is 7 years you see).I checked the passport, having worked as Inspector Customs and Central Excise , Palam before joining syndicate bank, I had knowledge, what a genuine passport security features were!!! And it was Genuine, I said, Aadab Farouque bhai, farmaiye kya huqm hai?

He asked Bhai Menon Babu? Yeh Sarkari Bank hai?
Aur 7:45 mein Bank mein woh bhi sarkari bank mein Aadmi?
Koi chori to nahi kar rahe?
I said, mere boss se baat karoge janaab? Ya Abhi, Gopal Bari thaney se Daroga bulwalein, mujhe pehchante hain?
He: Yaar, tum bhi khamakhwah garam ho jaate ho. theek hai.!
Mujhe 786 number ka khata chahiye!

I had the other data on screen, checked F9 S and NRE/ONR were upto 300 so 786 was free.
Me Janaab, 7:45 par 786 khate ki kimat hoti hai.Dogey?
He tookout a wad of dirhams, kitne loge?
Me:Janab, sarkari bank hai, custom ki naukri chodke yahan aya hoon, ghoos hileni thi, to wahan kam thi? mera mazak ya tuaheen na karein.!
He: Yeh dekho, kya hai, iske liye khata kholna hai!
Me looks at a dirty, nearly torn yellow paper, looked like a fraudulent new paper, browned by smoke from a sigdi!! (Everyone in MI road called me Inspector Menon, because, as a principle, I looked at every new customer, witth suspicion, without his/her ever knowing that fact!)  :-)
My questions on 1st withdrawal at MI road got the following rreaction "Bank mein ho ya yeh Pulis Thana Hai?
To which my reply was, Sir, meri duty hai, kisi bhi cheque dharak ki sampatti ki suraksha, yadi jis baat ki tankhwah milti hia, woh na karoon, to raat neend nahi aati, mera
Sawaal seedha hai, yeh cheque aapko kahan se aya, batayenge, tabhi mainpehla cheque pass karoonga, anyatha, aap apne introducer ko bula laweingey, unke hastakshar lekar pass kar doonga.!!!

When I read the paper, My eyes popped out like Jim Carreys when he blurted :Hang on my eyeballs" in the movie The Mask!!!

It was a KCC (Kuwait Compensation Claim) This Gentleman, had a POP(Plaster of Paris production facility, which was destroyed during Iraqi attack on Kuwait in 1991) The amount of KCC, was Dirhams 1.38 lakh. One Dirham was Ra 138 (I totally forget) but this much I remember, the amount after conversion, in INR was around 3 crores, If I remember correctly, because, the amount was making us surpass the deposit target, by leaps and bounds, this was 25th March mind you!. But I am a very careful, fastidious and cautious Banker!!! The Keeda in Me will not stop biting my medula oblongata! :D

I called INTERNATIONAL DIVISION, MUMBAI, (IT WAS 8 PM BY NOW) Luckily for me, P V Rao took the call, having worked in Mumbai just one floor belowThe International Division, having many frined in that office, the entire Dealer Trainee batches were well known to me as I made friends easily. He confirmed the KCC was pending, the passport number and his adress everything tallied.

I told him(Farooque), I will open the 2 a/c's one NRE & Anotherm ONR IN his fathers name, of HE gave me this signed with an OG72. He said A/c number? I

said khol to raha hoon 786 number wala billa?

He said, saaley tum kaise sarkari banker ho, na ghoos na kuch maangte ho, 8 bajee gadhe ki tarah lagey ho, shadi shuda ho? I said haan, biwi aur

beti hai, ab ek shart hai, Do you have a car?
He said, haan Indigo hai. Taxi hai, driver hai.
1 I said bus will stop by the time I finish the job.
2 I need cigarettes to work, I need to dropped home.
3 I will not wake up my wife for dinner, so on the way, we shall have dal roti.
he said yes to all and offerred me the 1st dunhill, Later he offerred me 10 packs of Dunhill, which I refused.
He said, mutton kha lena
I said nahi, Dal roti, aap mutton chahein to khayein, mujhe dal roti ki hi aadat hai.
He:Daaru piyogey?
I:Peeta hoon, par aapse nahi leke peeta. Waise bhi Islam mein Shaarb Haraam hai, Allah se Daro.

1I called Shyam our coruirer wallah
2 called P.V.Raod again, confrirming that I am sending him the KCC
3 resotred backup. re-opened day
4 opened accounts
5 printed 2 pass books
6 the a/c numbers in MI road no NRE786/ONR786 can still be checked for this fact. The entries will be dated 28th March 2003(Reporting friday)
7 Printed and couriered Banners and kept the a/c statements at CM's table

I did not call Our then Chief Manager K. Ashok Kumar Pai ( why because Mahesh Agrawal knows this, it is unprintable why I did not call Mr Pai

:-) ) He was a GREAT BOSS TO WORK WITH, fully supportive.)
When In the morning I told him, he was not going to beleive it, as the kcc had reached Mumbai the next day, I asked him to call ID. He did, and

so MI road had achieved all the 5 targets that year. DON'T ASK ME WHO Got the reward, not me, Not Mr Aggarwal, who was present in the branch

till 7:30 after which he left, nor Mr Pai. That is unfortunate part.
Anybodies guess who got the reward?
Mr T C Bhamu went to his village to verify whther the man was genuine, I compeled the CM to do that, as the amount was huge. So my friends the

Gandhis words
When a customer walks in, it is the most auspicious occasion
Customer is God
God and Customer, they never identify themselves, be cautious in the branch, after office hours, only 2 people can come, a thief or a new

customer(sometimes recovery comes like that I have experience. That is another story, for another day
Shub Ratri
Keep Smiling

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

VenuG Presents: The way I Mentor & I succeed, ALWAYS!. Tips to Mentoring.

This is a free flowing ex-temporal post, withing seconds of my telecon with a Girl Called Urvashi, who happens to be the daughter of one of my esteemed colleagues.
On a blog which she asked me to search by her email, I am not telling you which blog, I am not telling any names, you have to take my word, that, even if THIS Urvashi, is NOT THAT Urvashi, I have changed the course of her life. I take pride is boasting, that, I can turn the most pessimistic/depressed/suicidal kid, to believe in themselves, and get that confidence, that the skill sets they have, are above average, and they MUST, themselves, have confidence in themselves, and if and when they do, YES THEY CAN!

             Have for 28 years continued to replicate this confidence building, in scores of young kids(the 1st being a B.Sc undergrad who completed her M.B.A. from Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management, Mumbai ( at that time I myself had just cleared my M.Com and taken up my 1st job, and yes cleared the IAS twice already. in spite of being a Third division Graduate(my percentage in my B.Com was 44.9% but I had the University top marks in Commercial Law & English) .I am proud to post my marks on my facebook bio
feel free to cross check.

Hello Urvazee,

Is this The Urvashi I talked to ? Lets hope it is.
If it is I was mighty pleased to talk to you, and what YOU are doing, is the best thing for you.
Since YOU are doing, what YOU like, which is also your PASSION, and you are following it with full devotion,
My child, the time has come for you to make it grow, think of getting your own office, start planning to engage some employees, let them employees be "GIRLS" ONLY. Because, if YOU an educated GIRL, helps another GIRL, you are doing justice to your education.

Even if you are not THAT Urvashi, whom I talked to, treat it as an identical message. I am impressed by your writing skills, it is time, you wrote a book, which was sold on flipkart. I am a VERY SELFISH MAN, I want the first signed copy, if you DO PUBLISH, THE Address is on the 1st blog, which post I won't tell you, when you WILL WRITE A BOOK, I am pretty sure, you shall spend that much energy, finding that address, it is

my official adress, and I am Google able, as any conceivable link to my janampatri, is on my 1st blog.
Bon Nuit.
Guten Nacht.

check my blog-post no 1 (if you like it, but looking at this blog of yours , you whould like more of my

other blogs:

A) (Poetry)
(Travel )

Following your blog as it is wonderful writing and, is very good in narrative. The way you tell a story is appreciable, especially I liked the

earlier post Jalebi.

And my comment on this poem, ya, everyone does, but you just have to look at THAT girl in a higher Age bracket.
Do this
Reading your poem, I copy pasted the following stanzas:

" My Life ain't short of girls if that is what you think
But none matches my wavelength, to whom i can link

I want a girl to praise my awful dressing sense
And promise to take me to shopping in a dense "

In the above stanza's try to replace the word "girl" your
Mom/Amma/Ma/Mummy/Biji/Aai/Mater/Metre/Madre or whatever name you call her by!!!

After all there is a "GIRL" in your Mom, just that you don't look her in "THAT" way, the problem is not with her :)NOT WITH YOU EVEN!!!
The problem is with YOUR EYE, it is wearing a yellow Chashma. So everything, what you see, seems to look with a shade of yellow. Just take of

THAT spectacle of your Consciousness, and look at your mother, as that mother
1 Whom you told when you first had THAT(Am not specifying what THAT is every women past 14 knows what THAT is!)
2 Whom you confessed, when you had the first crush, may be that way, but that you liked "him"
3 Told about your first affair.
4 told about what you wanted to do in LIFE
5 Whose shoulder you wept whenever you felt sad/bad/bitter of any thing, or person which/who hurt you.
6 Who not only consoled you, comforted you, hugged you, rubbed your back, but also understood what you meant, and supported you to the last T

  Since she had fed you for 279 days through umbilical chord, and nearly 1-3 years , depending on how much you needed the breast feed, who

walked you to the school, on your 1st day at school.

Wasn't she there? Isn't she still there?

Dear Urvashi,
After you read this, even if it is 2 at night, your mother is sleeping, go and give her a [hug]
softly not waking her, and repeat it, every time, you are with her all your life.

I promise you, your hug, will be reciprocated, by a warm squeeze, of her soft arms, around your body.

If this happens, then, she is that friend, if it doesn't, I forewarn you, it is that you hugged her without compassion or warmth.

Keep Smiling

Moral of the Story: Mother is the best friend of any Girl, and a Girl child, is the best child of a parent(better than the male child, always

caring for her parents, even after her marriage, childbirth, or even after becoming a mother-in-law. #Venuspeak

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Problem Of NPA's Non Performing Assets in Banks and Its Solutions: My Hindi Speech in Hindi for In House Hindi Pakhwada at Syndicate Bank, Regional Office, Kolkata

The Problem Of NPA's Non Performing Assets in Banks and Its Solutions: My Hindi Speech
To be read in Hindi
For our In House "हिन्दी पखवाड़ा" 
Syndicate Bank, Regional Office, Kolkata

The above cartoon is from 
Read this post using Google Translate placed on your Right :---->>>>>

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Dr Verghese Kurien chose a Nobel Cause over Nobel Prize, when he came from Michigan to Anand RIP to The Doodhwala Dude

Dr Verghese Kurien could have Remained in the US and probably Got a Nobel Price, But he chose a Nobel Cause over it

My Amul Ad for DR Kurien would be

For Dukh & Anand

Utterly Butterly Delicious

Good Bhai to Doodhwaala Dude
In Memorium Dr Verghese Kurien

Breaking Newsvia " @Amul_CoopSorry to inform that Dr. Kurien, father of White Revolution, passed away at 1.50 am. Funeral today at 4.00 pm." #RIP 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Why is it needed to sensitize Police force on how to behave with females visiting them, Of injustice, and power, and manhood : Guest Post By Joanna Banerjee a Young Girl Bangal O Red Face BangalORED Justice For Women

                     A Week Back I had asked people, if they wanted to write a guest post on my Blog!!! Today, the initiation came, because a young girl, and her colleague male friend, was harassed, by 3 officials of Karnataka Police. Now I asked her to let me copy, and the I will take up on twitter. I did, and again, it is a BIG WIN, for twitter and the twitterrers, the note with 12 likes and 15 shares has now around 613 shares  & 354 likes. Media was sensitized, and her case will be taken up, There is no word altered from Joanna's note and this blog,I admire the courageous step taken by Joanna Banerjee, of articulating the issue and putting it on public domain.

                       But here I ask a simple question Read THIS, The Fundamental Rights & Duties, whose job is it to ensure it? Police and courts, my question to you is, do they do it , I am not judgmental, but please let me know. Thank You
Source of this Post is 
IF I have modified anything here
Of injustice, and power, and manhood : 
Guest Post By Joanna Banerjee a Young Girl Bangal O Red Face BangalORED 
Images are kept to keep you entertained
not part of Joanna's Note
Luckily, There is no cartoon by any cartoonist
Portraying a Policeman's Outrageous Behaviour towards women

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Kaha Raja Bhoj aur Kahan Gangu Teli: The Glaring Similarity between USA2012 & INDIA2014 NaMo Obama styles of communications. But There ends the similarity US and India are not the same

Before London Olympics Usain Bolt lost many races, but when it came to Olympics Gold Medalm he had not one but three around his neck. Moral of the story is, perform when it is needed, Peak at the right time. Like India did in World Cricket Cup and Usain Bolt did.

This Photo says it all

Three medals of Usain Bolt


Saturday, September 1, 2012

When to write a Blog Post and how. How To Make your Blog Popular. Thanks Harish Krishnan from for the Best Tip

When Harish Krishnan @Harishk from @blogadda , was Goading, Pushing & Coaxing me to Write THIS MTV Roadies 9 @MTVroadies_9 Blog Post quickly, I got the best Blogging Tip of my Life
" Write when the issue is HOT AND CURRENT , people will search those key words on Google and your Blog will become popular " 
 Please Look at this Picture, they are my best read Blog Posts

Dear Bloggers, remember this tip All the 10 posts, be it On R D Burman, or or Rajesh Khanna or MTV Roadies9 or World Cup Cricket, Semi Final against Australia, they were topical, at that time. MTV Roadies9 blog is my 2nd topmost post and the videos in that blog also are most searched and viewed videos. So Thank you Harish. It was great education, and it was an honour to help Blogadda.

Look how my top viewed video's on my channel get searched and why.

The next most viewed videos.

Check the LINK TO find change from today that 1st September 2012 to date
Video's No 1, 6, 7, 9, 10, 14, 16, & 17

Video no's 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15  are songs sung by me and 18 is a video interview of my son's friend Ashish reviewing Ra.One to disprove @mihirfadnavis views that Ra.One is a bad movie.

The songs are generic songs , robindra sangeet, my self written song on Mother's Day, marwari song encyclopedia. 

                      Why they get viewed or read is Google. Trust me, do not expect any twitter follower, facebook friend to promote your blog/video unless you are a @iamsrk Shahrukh Khan, @ipoonampandey Poonam Pandey, @SunnyLeone Sunny Leone or @bipsluvsu Bipasha Basu or @shreyaghoshal Shreya Ghoshal. 

The proof of my bREAD Pudding is here 
Some Blog & YouTube Analytics and Statistics
All Time Source of Traffic
See the size of Traffic from Google!!!

All Time Source of Traffic Search Keywords
Prominent Search Words
Amar Jyoti Kalita (Guwahati Molester on account of My @JusticeForWomen Post)
Indecent Proposal ( I Posted this at midnight when Demi Moore @mrskutcher 
Was Hospitalized  )
Search " Demi Moore in Indecent Proposal God What a Beautiful Woman " on Google
& You get my post
Try Searching "@ random poetry blog by VenuG" 
on Google search, images, news, YouTube
Everywhere something crops up
So Thank You Harish Krishnan
@Harishk your tip helped me in more ways than I could THEN perceive.
Thre key words that I developed all along are
" @ random poetry VenuG "
" VenuG "
" Venuspeak "
Look what searching VenuG on Google images does

Monthly Source of Traffic
Here stumbleupon is throwing my blogpost

Week's Source of Traffic
Most of the traffic comes from or or or

Day's Source of Traffic
All traffic from Google

Now Source of Traffic
i.e. 1St September, 2012, 16:36 Hrs.
Again all traffic from Google

If you click the above link you will be surprised
in spite of my best efforts to promote my best music video
also my featured video has just 391 views as on date
And I assure you, it is technically and musically my best ever :)

30 day YouTube Views including Monetized Views

30 day YouTube Views Top 10 Videos

30 day YouTube Views Geographically

30 day YouTube Views Date wise

30 day YouTube Views Demographically

30 day YouTube View Playback Locations
Mostly from YouTube & Mobile devices
Here I always use the word VenuG on all videos

30 day YouTube View Traffic Source
Here Mobile apps 45% YouTube Search 45% & Google Search is just 8%
Lesson to Musicians
There is no Point in promoting your video's via Facebook
Twitter works better
Why I say this? Mobile apps are for Twitter!!!

Audience Retention Small Videos
More views go full duration

Audience Retention Medium Videos
5% views go full duration

Audience Retention Very Long Videos
1% views go full duration

Audience Retention Good Videos
More views go full duration

Audience Retention International; Videos
More views go full duration

I hope that this analysis shall help fellow bloggers and sopcial media enthusiasts to decide what to post when, to attract maximum traffic, This effort is purely done to help fellow bloggers. I do not have any intention to brag or boast. I just wan't to share how My Key words " @ random poetry VenuG " " VenuG " and " Venuspeak " help me on Google, YouTube .

Also my hash-tags #VenuSpeak / #VenuQuote #VenuShair or #PoetryIn OneMinute , help me on Twitter to allow people to search my content and read or follow them regularly.

Saturday, 1St September, 2012

Keep Smiling